One year ago I was…
In a miserable, sexless relationship.
Working at a job I hated.
Feeling small and lost even though I was doing my inner work.
Something had to change.
It felt like no matter what I did though to make changes, I wasn’t good enough.
The problem was: I was trying to change the world around me, without taking responsibility for changing myself.
The more I tried:
to control my relationship so I could get the sex and intimacy I wanted,
the more I tried to force the job to be something it wasn’t,
The more I tried to make my inner work about getting the approval of other people,
The more I was losing connection with the most important person in my life:
Then came a pivotal moment.
I realized no one was coming to save me, and that nothing I was doing was going to get me the approval, sex, connection and intimacy I was trying to get from the people around me.
I realized I had to stop playing the victim.
I had to take charge of my relationship with myself and change myself from the inside out and I had to do it fully for myself.
I embarked on a program to become the sovereign of my life.
I started by taking responsibility for my choices, fully accepting that I was in each situation because I had chosen to be in those situations.
I didn’t beat myself up or play the blame game. I simply accepted responsibility…
I have the ability to respond and the power of choice.
I chose to respect myself, instead of hoping other people would respect me.
I began taking better care of me, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
The more I worked on changing myself from the inside, the more my external circumstances changed.
The more I chose to be the sovereign of my life, the more my life turned around.
I broke up with the person I was with, left the job I was working at and chose to say yes to myself in every area of my life.
It’s a year later and I am:
living life on my own terms, instead of anyone else’s.
creating the businesses of my dreams around my spiritual practices and men’s work.
writing more books.
in a intimate relationship with someone who is enthusiastically saying yes to being with me in every way,
Traveling and meeting interesting and imaginative people.
How did all this change in a year?
I chose to live my life by a code.
The Sovereign’s Code.
It’s a twelve step process that leads you from the life you are living now to a life where you are the sovereign of your life.
It starts with taking responsibility for your life as it is now, but that’s just the first step.
Are you ready to become the sovereign of your life?
Grab my free guide and get started on your journey to live your life on your terms.
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